REM sketch a circle  outfile = "circle.EPS"  Plot.x = sin(degree)  plot.y = cos(degree)  plot.z = 0  Plot.steps = 361  Draw.Plot REM sketch a spiral  REM Note the radius of the circle increases  REM as it is multiplied by step /100.  outfile = "spiral.EPS"  plot.reset  Plot.x = (step /100) * sin(degree)  plot.y = (step /100) *cos(degree)  plot.z = step / 100  Plot.steps = (360 *4) +1  Draw.Plot REM sketch 5 squares of increasing size.  outfile = "Square clone.EPS"  plot.reset  Plot.x = clone_seq * sin(90 *degree)  plot.y = clone_seq * cos(90 * degree)  plot.z = clone_seq  Plot.steps = 5  plot.clones =5  Draw.Plot